Monima Creative Board
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You don’t need expensive ornaments to make your house look more fashionable.
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Back in 1989, the first time I got on the Internet, at that time I was still pretty young. I didn’t go to college so I had to find a stable job for myself. I never found what I was into and what I could do well for a living. I tried and got rejected so many times.
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Google and Facebook weren’t even around as well at that time. One day in 1999, I suddenly had this idea of creating a website that introduce my handmade projects, providing not only handcraft lessons but also selling stuff to earn some money for myself.
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Then I got to learn about how to start a website on my own. I created a website called I spent years developing it, teaching HTML to myself, networking with in-field professionals, and growing it into a profitable business.
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Throughout the years, I cooperated with plenty of craft companies to grow my website. I had worked as the craft expert for Miimo Studio (, and created fun crafts for kids from 2009-2016. Also, I have self-published many online magazines, including, &